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    當前位置:首頁   >  產品中心  >  二維材料  >  二維材料溶液  >  硫化鍺單層溶液


    簡要描述:This product contains GeS mono-, few-layer, and thick flakes in isopropanol solution. GeS crystals has been synthesized synthetically at 99.9995% purity and they have been dispersed into isopropanol

    • 更新時間:2024-06-03
    • 產品型號:
    • 廠商性質:生產廠家
    • 訪  問  量:673


    This product contains GeS mono-, few-layer, and thick flakes in isopropanol solution. GeS crystals has been synthesized synthetically at 99.9995% purity and they have been dispersed into isopropanol (electronic grade chemical at 99.9999% purity) by ultrasonic treatment. Since the starting material (synthetic GeS crystals) is highly crystalline, ultrasonic treatment to delaminate GeS layers yields highly crystalline GeSe mono- and few-layers suspended in isopropanol solution. The crystallinity of GeSe nanomaterial has been confirmed through electron energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDAX), Raman spectroscopy (FWHM<5 cm-1), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) measurements. Lateral sizes of GeS flakes deposited onto different substrates range from ~10nm - ~10 um while thickness range from 1L to thicker sheets.

    Solution type: By default 2Dsemiconductors USA will provide GeS sheets suspended in isopropanol owing to good dispersion, stability, and high performance. However, if your research requires other solvents, please contact us for more details and schedule for the product delivery.

    Solution concentration:  To reduce shipping costs, easy customs agreement / border check-in processes, we ship supersaturated 2D solutions (~80-120 mg/L depending on the type of 2D layers). However, supersaturated solutions can be diluted to produce ~250-500mL of solution to deposit 2D layers onto desired substrates through simple and cost-effective spin-casting process.

    Properties of GeS solutions



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    • 聯系人:陳谷一
    • 地址:江蘇省泰州市鳳凰西路168號
    • 郵箱:taizhou@sunano.com.cn
    • 電話:021-56830191




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